Our Solutions
Our Solutions

Topline & Profitability

Our offer
• Significant growth in topline & profitability for our clients compared to their past performance

Most of the organisations have constraints which limit their growth, many a times these constraints remain unidentified. These constraints when identified and exploited,enable rapid increase in business performance.

• A holistic & focussed approach helps in this transition.
• The rapid growth in performance sets the momentum for a strategic focusing process that enables top management to sustain impressive rate of top line growth and profitability.
This focusing process leads to :
• Building competitive edge in the market segments
• Sustainable & Inclusive business model
• Establishment of organisational infrastructure that is required to ensure effective exploitation of the competitive edge.

Manufacturing & Operational Excellence

Our offer
• On-time delivery near 100% while reducing overall lead time by minimum of 25%.
• Release capacity by around 30%. [This released capacity can be utilized to add new customers or to increase share of business with existing ones]

Most operational organisations can create quantum value with same resources . Identifying the bottleneck & exploiting it in a focussed manner enables significant improvements in operational performance

• Enhancing the ability of the organization to focus its resources only on the activities that contribute to the overall objective and avoiding multitasking is the key for continuously improving the operations key performance indicators:
• Productivity
• Lead Time
• Reliability
• Availability & Delivery
• Inventory Turns
• Skill enhancement
• Return On Investment (ROI)

Project Management

Our Offer
• On-time delivery as per original commitments while reducing overall lead time by minimum of 25%.
• Release capacity by around 30% in a shared resource environment. [This released capacity can be utilized to add new customers or to increase share of business with existing ones]

Generally, Product development projects, like many other types of projects, often can exceed their planned schedule by 50% to 100%. Often this is attributed to uncertainty or the unforeseen. To compensate for this age-old dilemma, managers and project personnel have learned to compensate by adding additional time [safety buffers] to their schedule estimates. Yet even when they do, projects still overrun their schedules. This can be devastating to the organisation as it can lose its share of business with their customers & will not be the first to the market.

Our solution will help our clients achieve
• Reduction in project lead time
• Right first time
• Improvement in project flow
• Larger share of customer’s business
• Optimum resources

Supply Chain & Distribution

Our Offer
• Near 100% availability at the point of Sale.
• Near 100% On-Time deliveries [OTIF] from Suppliers

Over the years Industry has been on a Push mode on the Inventory right from the supplier to the retailer & to the end customer. This approach leads to Inventory piling up at these subsequent locations & this significantly affects the Inventory Turns & Return on Investment [ROI] of Distributors & Retailers. Suppliers are not able to cope with the change in schedules of customers resulting in lesser inventory turns & on the other hand the end customer is not able to get what he needs.

With our solutions our clients can achieve
• Near 100% OTIF from their Suppliers- Tier 1 & 2
• Supplier Productivity Improvement
• Capacity Release at Suppliers minimum 25%
• Near 100% Availability at Distributors & Retailers
• Significant Improvement in ROI of Suppliers, Distributors & Retailers